Title: The short second life of bree tanner
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Number of pages: 178 (no pictures)
Genre: drama, vampires
Message: not to put all the same.
Bree Tanner was a normal teenager until the day she got bitten of a vampire. She and many more "newborn" vampires were put in a group. None of them knew why but they all learned to accept it. She met another vampire in the group, his name was Diego and they became good friends. One day the leader of the pack, Riley, said that they were going to fight against the yellow eyed vampires. The fight didn't last long at all and Bree was the only one in their pack to survive. She didn't want to fight as the others wanted to. Read the book to know why ;)
Rating: 3/5 because sometimes it's pretty boring to read and sometimes very exciting, especially in the fight
tip: read the Twilight books before you read this, because it's about them and it facilitates if you have read them.
Quote: "Please!" I sobbed. And I meant pleasy kill me fast.
Av - Maja Lu
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