fredag 31 januari 2014


Name: Respect!

Author: Michaela Morgan

Pages: 58

Genre: Truth story

Summary: This is a truth story about Walter Tull, his nickname was Tully. He was a ''normal'' boy. His parents died and Tully only had his littlebrother Eddie. Tully and Eddie lived in a children's home and the other kids make fun of them. Tully's was really good at football, not American football. He became a big and professional footballplayer. Tully became a soldier. 1914 was it the first world war and Tully signed up to fight for his country. He was a good soldier but then...

Grade: I think this book was good but sometimes it was strange, it goes fast and sometimes you don't understand. This book get 3/5 stars.

Citation: ''It was 1914 and Tully was now known as Private Walter Tull. He was just a plain soldier. He had been one of the first to sign up for fight for his own country in the First World War.''

By: Thilda

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